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School Club - For School Clubs who have registered with the FCC and received their callsign. Elmer Club - Amateur radio clubs who would like to help school or kid related clubs. Elmer - An individual who is a registered amateur radio operator and would like to help students or advisors either in person or through our forums. Contributing Elmer - An individual who not only would like to do perform tasks like and elmer, but would like to contribute information to The Bacon Station. Educator/Advisor - An individual who is a registered amateur radio operator and is starting or already advising a student or kid related club. Student - An individual either in college or lower that has received theri amateur radio license. College students can also apply to be an Elmer instead of student.
The rules of our club membership are very simple and will always be this simple:
1. Keep it clean! - We are student and kid related organization. Off color remarks or content that is not appropriate for children will not be tolerated in any way or fashion what-so-ever. There is zero tolerance for this. Any arguments, degrading remarks, bullying, foul language, or poor attitude will result in your removal as a member and your forum account. You will not be welcomed back. Any decision made by The Bacon Station and it's Founding Elmers is final.
2. Help others when you can - That is why we are here. This is a hobby, and if you have information to contribute, please do so when you can.
3. Have Fun! - Again, this is a hobby. Let's all have some fun with it, please!
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