ARISS Website Website for the (ARISS) Amateur Radio on the International Space Station.Schedule a Contact Schedule a contact with the International Space Station. There are certain times when an application window opens that allows schools to apply to schedule a designation time to coordinate communications with an astronaut in space. You have to apply for this privilege.ISS Tracker Use this website to track the International Space Station.Upcoming Contacts Sometimes schools will broadcast live on the Internet during their scheduled contact with the ISS. Use this list to see the next scheduled contact.NASA Kid's Club Page Games, videos, activities and more for kids from NASA.NASA Spot the Station Use this website to determine when the ISS will pass over your location.Internation Space Station (ISS) Official Website Get the latest news, images, videos and more from humanity's home in orbit -- the International Space Station.HAM Radio on the ISS Web page about amateur radio aboard the International Space Station.